Friday, April 17, 2009

Response to "JACKPOT $$$ (x10)"

When I read Mai's post about gambling, it reminded me of the gambling issue that I wrote about in my earlier blog. I would like to agree with what she is saying. Despite all the money that could be brought in from tourists, coming into possible Texas casinos, gambling could cause a huge a problem. I myself have witnessed crazed gamblers with my own eyes. Throwing down everything they have in their pockets and hope to win back what they have already lost. By the end of the night, they walk away empty handed. And by implementing credit card usage with the gambling machines, that can only spell game over. You can pull out money and lose it with every swipe; now that's what you call "losing your life with every swipe."
If gambling is made legal in a down time like this, people will be burning their wallets and pawning their houses. This can only cause more and more trouble. More families can end up falling deeper into debt, more bills going unpaid month after month, more houses being foreclosed, this can only spell disaster. Before you know it, you can pawn your whole life away before the fat lady gets a chance to sing. But on the bright side of things, lawyers, therapists, and psychologists will be turning some profit.

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