Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hey, Nice Wall

I found this blog to be fairly humorous and true. The author probably wrote this to poke some fun at our government at "work." It is about the nice, pretty 18-foot wall that was going to be built along the border of the US and Mexico. The good news is that President Obama decided not to throw in loads of money to build the wall. That will save us billions of dollars or so. On the other hand, the determination to finish the 670 miles of fencing is still present. Thanks to our lovely Bush administration, this 670 miles of fencing will be fulfilled by none other than Obama himself.
The author also writes about a Brownsville landowner who would be screwed by this fencing. Eloisa Tamez is the unlucky candidate that would be affected by this fencing, and I would assume there are many others as well. The fencing would cut straight through her backyard. She has fought two long years to keep the fencing from ruining her home. But the moment she lost, the Department of Homeland Security practically threw up a fence on her property overnight.
I honestly didn't think that putting up an 18-foot steel and concrete wall would really help all too much with the illegal border hopping. And with a wall that size and caliber, you can only imagine how costly maintenance would be. I would definitely like to agree with the author. Her evidence showed that the idea of constructing the gigantic wall was probably one of the worst decisions ever. I would also like to say "thank you, President Bush," for taking care of Texas even when you're no longer in office.

Bosque, Melissa. "Mr. Obama Tear Down that Wall." 14 May 2009.

Note: This is my Blog Stage 4. Blog 7 is one the below.

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