Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tribal Gambling Made Possible

I was just browsing through the Austin Statesman and this article just caught my eye. Just the title itself, Bill would allow tribal gambling, was enough to tell me that this article would be pretty interesting. What is this "tribal gambling" that this speaks of? Maybe something to do with wearing loin cloths into casinos? It turns out that the article is about American Indian tribes, in Texas, wanting a bill to be passed to reopen their casinos that were shut down in a previous legislation. The tribes argue that their casinos are a significant source of income and the money generated would provide health care, education and other "tribal necessities." The outcome is looking very grim for these tribes because Gov. Rick Perry and Sen. Kay Hutchison shun the idea of having gambling in Texas. This has lead to several controversies. Some argue that allowing gambling in Texas would be harmful to the state's economy, especially in these times, because the revenue that the casino generates is pulled from local economy. Others say that people drive to other states to spend their gambling money anyways, so why not keep it here in Texas.

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